Safeguarding Policy

Safegarding Policy
Safeguarding Policy for Erika Pt Fitness and Dance
At Erika Pt Fitness and Dance, the safety and well-being of all our students are our utmost priority. This safeguarding policy outlines our commitment to protecting children and young people from harm, ensuring they have a safe environment in which to learn and develop.
Policy Statement:
Erika Pt Fitness and Dance is dedicated to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people. We believe that all children have the right to be protected from harm and to be provided with a safe and secure environment. This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, and anyone involved in the organization.
Legal Framework:
This policy is informed by the following legislation and statutory guidance:
Children Act 1989 and 2004
Education Act 2002
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
The Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR
Roles and Responsibilities:
All staff and volunteers are responsible for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Erika Pt Fitness and Dance is Erika Menniti, who can be contacted at
Parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate any concerns regarding safeguarding to the DSL.
Recruitment and Training:
All staff and volunteers undergo thorough background checks, including Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, before being allowed to work with children.
Staff and volunteers receive regular training on safeguarding policies and procedures, including identifying signs of abuse and neglect and responding appropriately. Training is updated at least annually to ensure compliance with the latest guidance.
Code of Conduct:
All staff, volunteers, parents/guardians, and children are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that promotes respectful and safe interactions.
This includes guidelines on appropriate language, physical contact, and the use of social media. Physical contact should always be appropriate, necessary, and with the consent of the child.
Risk Assessment:
Regular risk assessments are conducted to identify potential hazards and risks within the dance class environment and activities.
Measures are implemented to mitigate these risks, such as maintaining appropriate supervision ratios and ensuring access to first aid facilities.
Reporting and Responding:
Any concerns about the welfare of a child should be reported immediately to the DSL.
Staff are trained to respond sensitively and effectively to disclosures of abuse or neglect, ensuring that the child's safety and well-being are prioritized. Immediate action will be taken to protect the child, and appropriate referrals will be made to external agencies when necessary.
Confidentiality and Information Sharing:
Confidentiality is respected and maintained, but information will be shared appropriately and securely when necessary to safeguard a child's welfare.
Staff and volunteers are aware of the circumstances under which information should be shared with relevant authorities or agencies, in line with the Information Sharing: Advice for Practitioners Providing Safeguarding Services (2018).
Review and Monitoring:
This safeguarding policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in legislation, guidance, or best practice.
Compliance with the policy will be monitored regularly, and any concerns or issues will be addressed promptly.
Contact Details for Safeguarding Authorities:
Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB): 020 8871 7401
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): 020 8871 6622
NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000